Neurotransmitters are signaling substances in the brain. They function as messenger substances that take care of internal communication.

These neurotransmitters are made from building blocks (mainly amino acids) that come from the daily diet. This means that complete, varied and fresh food as much as possible is an important part of your health.

The aim of the ‘Neurotransmitter profile determination according to Braverman’ is to gain insight into the strength and weakening of the neurobiochemical system. This determination according to Braverman is based on experiences and developments over the last 50 years. It combines knowledge from observation and experiments that have been published worldwide, as well as reviewed by leading neuroscientists, and confirmed in clinical settings.
Neurotransmitters or transfer agents[1] are signaling substances that transfer nerve impulses in synapses between nerve cells (‘neurons’) in the nervous system or that transfer impulses from motor nerve cells to muscle cells or from nerve receptors to sensory nerve cells.
There are neurotransmitters that stimulate the activity of the nerve cell they reach and there are others that can inhibit the activity of the neuron they reach.

The human body consists of a comprehensive collaboration between organs, systems and behaviors such as sleeping, waking, thinking, remembering, perceiving, speaking, feeling, moving and acting. Neurotransmitters are the messengers in our body that regulate all this and largely determine how we feel and what we do. Everything we consume, the food and nutritional supplements we take, affects our neurotransmitter systems. The main neurotransmitters are acetylcholine, dopamine, GABA and serotonin. With the help of nutritional advice, the right exercise and the targeted advice of nutritional supplements, we can selectively influence the most important neurotransmitters. Based on your own neurotransmitter profile, you will receive personal advice for nutrition, lifestyle and nutritional supplements.

Fatigue, procrastination and loss of motivation are hallmarks of low dopamine levels. For example, a value of acetylcholine that is too low results in longer reaction rates, slower thinking and forgetfulness. Low levels of GABA can make you more sensitive to stress, worry (not stop thinking) and loss of structure. Sleep problems, more flammability and mood swings are seen with low levels of serotonin.

The test makes clear to what extent the substances dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA and serotonin are present in your body. Dopamine and acetylcholine can be compared to the accelerator pedal in your car. Dopamine provides a good voltage (voltage arc) in your brain and nerves. The more you have it, the calmer and more confident you feel. You don’t put off anything but do something right away. You respond adequately to stress and you can perform no matter what situation.

Acetylcholine is your second accelerator and determines the impact. In other words, you focus your attention on making a drawing or on having a good conversation, or on learning from a book and acetylcholine determines how long you can maintain your concentration and thus achieve a result.
If there is twice an accelerator in your body, you also need a brake at least twice. The first brake is GABA (gamma amino butryc acid). Enough GABA ensures balance in your head and your body. It ensures good stimulus processing and gives you the opportunity to fall asleep and sleep through.

Serotonin is the second brake and ensures recovery. Serotonin determines your rhythm. If you get out of sync (staying up for 24 hours or moving house, stress at work, etc.) it takes time to get back into it and it’s usually your mood that suffers first. Anyone who wakes up tired and/or cranky in the morning has had a shortage of serotonin. As a result, too little melatonin is produced and a shortage of growth hormone occurs when there is no deep sleep.
Fatigue, procrastination and loss of motivation are hallmarks of low dopamine levels. For example, a value of acetylcholine that is too low results in longer reaction rates, slower thinking and forgetfulness. With low levels of GABA you can be more sensitive to stress, worry (not stop thinking) and experience a loss of structure. Sleep problems, more flammability and mood swings are seen with low levels of serotonin.

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The four main neurotransmitters:


The neurotransmitter dopamine ensures that your energy arrow remains optimal. He gives you focus and decisiveness. You will believe in yourself againThe four most important neurotransmitters:


The neurotransmitter achethylcholine enhances your intuition, creativity and responsiveness. you can also remember things better. Your sensitivity is balanced and optimal.


The neurotransmitter serotonin gives you more flexibility. You are more cheerful and cheerful. You can enjoy life more.


The neurotransmitter Gaba turns off your worry button. Your stimulus processing is improved. Your anxiety and stress sensitivity decreases. It enhances order tidiness.

We can use an extensive questionnaire to determine how the neurotransmitters in your brain are doing. (Eric Braverman’s Neurotransmitter Profile Assessment)

If we know how the mutual relationship between the neurotransmitters in your brain is, we can use natural means and methods to restore the balance between the neurotransmitters and eliminate any deficiencies.

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Part A determines the POWER of your 4 primary neurotransmitters (naturally predominant neurotransmitters).
Part B determines the COMPLAINT of your 4 primary neurotransmitters  (neuro‐biochemical deficits within the neurotransmitter profile).

The answers to the questions reflect patterns associated with the major neurotransmitters in the brain and body. The outcome provides insight into your performance capacity and your recovery capacity.



Each neurotransmitter profile, also called nature, has a set of characteristics. By restoring one or more weakened neurotransmitter profiles, your foundation can be strengthened. Below is a summary of the POWER and COMPLAINT of the 4 major neurotransmitters:


Dopamine – Strength

Brain Energy, Alertness, Concentration, Motivation, Focus, Willpower, Decisiveness, Decisiveness, Confidence.

Dopamine – Complaint

Low brain energy, Low alertness, Low concentration, Listless, Easily distracted, Low perseverance, Procrastination, Difficulty with decisions, Quickly emotional.


Acetylcholine – Strength

Processing speed (input), Reaction speed (output), Creativity, Quick understanding, Sensory perception, Curious, Automatic actions, Empathy, Learning ability.

Acetylcholine – Complaint

Slow processing speed (input), Slow reaction speed (output), Low creativity, Slow comprehension, Impaired sensory perception, Disinterested, Slow Automatic actions, Low empathic ability, Low learning ability.


Gaba – Strength

Stress Management, Stimulation Processing, Calmness, Structured, Self-Control, Solid, Patient, Hardworking, Resilient.

Gaba – Complaint

High stress sensitivity, High stimulus sensitivity, Uncontrolled thinking, Loss of control, Easily distracted, Risk taking, Impatient, Inactive, Slow recovery.


Serotonin – Strength

Resilient, Flexibility (emotional/cognitive), Positive attitude to life, Solution-oriented, Strong under pressure, Emotionally balanced, Adaptability, Outward-oriented, Sleep and intestinal transport.

Serotonin – Complaint

Tension-prone, Overprotective – compulsive, Depressed feelings, Black and white thinking, Panic-prone – anxious, Mood swings, Difficulty with change, Inward-looking, Sleeping and/or bowel problems.

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